Ever had trouble moving the Documents location to another location and seeing this message: Can't move the folder because there is a folder in the exact location that can't be redirected? The Documents location is always in a OneDrive subfolder, so all files stored in that folder will be backed up by Microsoft to OneDrive. Here are the steps you can take to change the document location so it is not in a OneDrive subdomain:
- Open Settings
- Select the Accounts menu, then Windows Backup
- Click the Manage sync settings button, then turn off backup for Documents
Good luck!
Pernah berusaha memindahkan lokasi Dokumen ke lokasi lain tetapi selalu gagal dan muncul pesan, Can’t move the folder because there is a folder in the same location that can’t be redirected ? Lokasinya selalu di dalam sub folder OneDrive, sehingga seluruh berkas yang tersimpan pada folder tersebut akan dicadangkan ke OneDrive. Berikut langkah yang dapat anda lakukan untuk mengubah lokasi dokumen agar tidak berada di dalam sub domain OneDrive:
- Buka Settings
- Pilih menu Accounts, lalu Windows Backup
- Klik tombol Manage sync settings, kemudian matikan backup untuk Dokumen
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